Same Day Flowers in Horwich & Bolton
Horwich, Bolton

Same Day Flower Delivery in Horwich & Bolton

At Flowersmiths, we stock a large range of fresh flowers to create your perfect floral gift. Over the years we have developed a recognisable rustic and romantic style of floristry. We rely on seasonal blooms from Europe and British flowers where possible to create bespoke bouquets especially for you, all our arrangements are made fresh to order with a selection of flowers chosen from our stand on the day. We also create flowers for weddingsfuneralsbirthday celebrations and lots more, for more information please have a read on the website or call the shop on 01204 697924.

If you would like your flowers or gift delivering, our delivery service is available in and around the Horwich area, and includes Blackrod, Adlington, Bolton and Chorley. To send flowers Bolton, please have a look at our ‘shop’ page. We offer same day flower delivery orders placed before 2pm. We also offer a ‘click and collect’ service via our online orders.

Best Selling Flowers
Mum in a Million bouquet
Designer's Choice -Spring
Designer's Choice Pastel
Showstopper Bouquet
Designer's Choice Basket
Designer's Choice Vibrant
Houseplant Selection
Add-on Glass Vase
Springlike Posy
Florist Choice Hand-tied
Seasonal Wreath
Simplicity Wreath

In addition to flowers, we have a beautiful gift shop filled with a range of traditional and unusual houseplants, as well as a variety of gifts and homeware. We stock work from local artists and artisans including ceramics, greetings cards, skincare, candles and lots more. If you require some help, then our team is always on hand to assist you in choosing the perfect gift for a loved one.