Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Horwich

Mum in a Million bouquet

Mum in a Million bouquet

For the best Mum in the world, send a beautiful selection of classic blooms in shades of pink, white and green, hand-tied ready to place into a vase.

Please note that the flowers pictured are a seasonal selection and will vary due to availability. Our florists will choose the flowers based on the varieties available on the day and the colours and flowers will vary. If you have any specific requests then please contact us directly on 01204 697924 or email info@flowersmiths.org.uk. Deluxe size pictured.

Please note that in our quest to reduce our use of plastic, we will deliver these without a cellophane bubble of water unless otherwise requested. Flowers are guaranteed for 5 days (although often last much longer). Please ensure the water is changed regularly and the stems cut at an angle. Place flowers in a cool place away from direct sunshine or radiators.

Send flowers Bolton.

Mum in a Million bouquet

Select Option and Price

Standard £ 45.00
Deluxe £ 60.00
Luxury £ 80.00
Showstopper £ 100.00

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